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Update an Existing Service Request

Method: PUT

Url: /ServiceRequests
Header: DPApiAuthenticationToken={YOUR_API_TOKEN}

Query String: None

Request Body:

Parameter NameData TypeRemarks
IncidentID (Required)IntegerThe unique ID of the service request to be updated
StatusStringThe status of the service request if needs to be changed. May contain an empty string or “Open” or “Closed”

Default: Empty String (not to be changed)
ShortDescriptionStringThe short description of the service request if needs to be changed

Default: Empty String (not to be changed)
LongDescriptionStringThe details of the service request if needs to be changed

Default: Empty String (not to be changed)
NewContentInHTMLBooleanWhether the LongDescription contains HTML

Default: True
IncidentClassIDIntegerThe ClassID of the service request if needs to be changed

Default: -1 (not to be changed)
IncidentPerceivedPriorityStringThe perceived priority of the incident if needs to be changed. May contain “Low”, “Normal”, or “High”

Default: Empty String (not to be changed)
CustomFieldsList<CustomField>List of custom fields (key-value pair) for this record
Request Example:
PUT “”Header: “DPApiAuthenticationToken=abcxyz0123456789″Body: { “IncidentID”: 1234, “ShortDescription”: “Test service request from API – Updated”, “LongDescription”: “Test serviece request from API <br/> Updated”, “NewContentInHTML”: true, “TargetContactID”: 73995, “CustomFields”: [ { “FieldLabel”: “Project”, “FieldValue”: “ASD” }, { “FieldLabel”: “Priority”, “FieldValue”: “High” }, { “FieldLabel”: “Impact”, “FieldValue”: “” } ] }


The API will return the response as under:

PropertyData TypeRemarks
StatusStringStatus of the request. Either “Success” or “Failure”
MessageStringError messages if the request failed (i.e. Status = “Failure”)
IdIntegerThe ID of the updated record if the request succeeded (i.e. Status = “Success”)
Sample Response:
{ “Status”: “Success”, “Message”: “”, “Id”: 1234 }