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Attract New Members

Deliver outstanding member experiences, acquire new members, drive asset growth, and sustain continuous operations in a high-risk security environment with strategic credit union IT consulting services.

credit union

Secure, transform and drive growth with credit union IT consulting

Empower digital transformation, enhance member experiences, and eliminate cybersecurity risks with best-in-class credit union IT consulting and solutions. As your strategic IT partner, Dataprise uses technology that enables you to be the absolute best at what you do. By providing end-to-end technology solutions, we can assist with near-term and long-term technology priorities, including:


Take your credit union cybersecurity to the next level

If you’re one of the 70% of financial firms that have experienced a cybersecurity incident within the past year, you know the incredible impact they can have. Cybersecurity has officially escalated to the boardroom and become a critical element to the survivability of every credit union, yet most cybersecurity programs are merely a collection of policies and software.

On the other hand, strategic credit unions are partnering with Dataprise to create programs that ingest events from core infrastructure, absorb the complexities found by vulnerability IT assessment services, and detect and remediate threats 24/7/365.



of financial firms have experienced a cyber incident in the past year



of breaches are caused by social engineering or human error

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Minimize risk with the right people and processes

“Cybersecurity concerns are here to stay. There’s no foolproof way to prevent these attacks from occurring, but you can minimize the risks with the right information technology security and risk management procedures. Focus on C-suite leadership, ransomware, and people and processes to improve security at your credit union.”

CUNA Mutual Group

Carlos Molina, Senior Risk Consultant


Maintain Peak Performance

Your credit union IT infrastructure has to be proactively managed and continuously optimized to deliver the performance and uptime required to drive your business. But IT departments are resourced-constrained and talent-drained. Credit union IT consulting can help.

Dataprise managed IT services for credit unions are the answer for credit union leaders who want to harness the power of IT. Whether located on-premise, across data centers or the cloud, we deliver deep technical expertise through credit union IT consulting, plus best-in-class technology to improve performance, reduce downtime and accelerate business value.

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Ready to experience harmonious IT?

As one of the nation's largest managed IT services providers, our pool of over 500 certified engineers, subject matter experts, and IT support staff remove the burden of IT—freeing you up to be the best at what you do.