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By: MaryBeth Hamilton
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We are extremely proud to announce that Steven New, Dataprise’s Director of BCDR, has been selected as an inductee into the Veeam Vanguard Program in 2022 and 2023. The program seeks out top-level influencers from a variety of technical communities, who have displayed their acumen and engagement in both online and offline platforms.
Steven has been with Dataprise for 11 years and is a Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) and a Veeam Certified Architect (VMCA). His dedication to utilizing Veeam technologies has made him stand out from the crowd and earn this distinguished title.
Dataprise is honored to have VMCEs, VMCAs, and a Veeam Vanguard on our team. We congratulate Steven on this amazing accomplishment!
This program recognizes the best and most influential industry professionals who have expertise in Veeam technologies. These influencers can help organizations understand how to leverage Veeam’s features and capabilities in order to maximize their cloud and data management efficiency.
Having a Veeam Vanguard on board ensures that organizations are taking advantage of all available options, while also providing valuable insights into the latest trends and advancements within the industry. Furthermore, these experts are able to provide support, guidance and advice when needed, ensuring that any migration efforts proceed smoothly.
Steven New is a a regular on the Veeam webinar circuit and recently shared his expertise on how to ensure business continuity through better backups. You can watch the replay below.
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