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Dataprise Women in Technology: Meet Lisa

By: Dataprise

WIT September 2024 Lisa

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This month for our Women in Technology, we are spotlighting Lisa, one of our PC Depot Service Desk Engineers! Read about her story and how she started in technology.

Tell us your story on how you got into technology.

During the COVID pandemic, I used technology to adapt to remote work and online learning. This transition pushed me to expand my skills by exploring innovative technologies and understanding tech’s potential to bridge gaps in today’s changing world.

Did you always know that working in technology was what you wanted to do?

I have always been deeply passionate about healthcare; however, I have come to recognize the significant impact that technology has on the field. I intend to leverage both my healthcare knowledge and technological skills as I advance in my career.

How long have you been with Dataprise?

Just over 8 months. January 4, 2024.

Can you share a little bit about what it is that you do and what a typical day for you is like?

As a Service Desk Engineer, I provide technical support and assistance to our clients and users within Dataprise. I create labels and QR codes for asset returns, track incoming and outgoing equipment, update inventory, communicate to clients regarding their inventory and what needs to be refreshed, assess assets and document their condition, and provide lifecycle management, asset configurations and deployments, and so much more.

What advice would you give to women considering a career in the tech industry? What do you wish you had known?

I would suggest joining a network of women who are in tech for encouragement. There are groups on LinkedIn and Facebook. Find a mentor, set extraordinary goals for yourself, and try your best to achieve them. Never doubt yourself and believe in the woman that you are; confidence is key and will make you stand out. I wish I had known about my interest in tech before COVID so that I could have been further in my career!

Why do you think it’s important for more women to join the tech industry? How can the broader community support women in tech?

It is important to break the narratives that have been created about women not being able to have the same jobs as men. The world we live in is growing, and it is important to be inclusive and encourage equality, especially in the workplace. Colleges and universities should create scholarships for women who are interested in technology, and tech companies should push for inclusivity during their hiring process.

What do you think is the best part of being a woman in the tech industry?

For me specifically, this is the best thing that could have happened to me. I am first generation US citizen, but my parents came from Sierra Leone, West Africa and struggled to get here. Neither of them went to university and never dreamed of having a child in America who would go to college and pursue a career in tech. I am honored to break the stereotype in my culture that women have “women jobs” or should stay home and cook, clean, and raise the kids.

What is it that you enjoy most about your current job at Dataprise?

I most appreciate that my current position is meant for someone like me who is interested in technology but not sure where in tech I fit in. It allows me to learn various skills in just this one role. Everything is so fast paced and informative. I feel like I have learned 2 years of skills in just 8 months. I am incredibly grateful to be here.

What is the best professional advice you’ve ever received?

“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know and how you present yourself.”

Where do you see yourself going from here?

I am currently studying for my PMP, and I plan to take the exam by the end of 2024 and shadow a project manager here at Dataprise, then hopefully apply for a project management role here.

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