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Dataprise Women in Technology: Meet Valerie

By: Dataprise

WIT August 2024 Valerie

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This month for our Women in Technology, we are spotlighting Isabela, one of our System Engineer 1’s! Read about her story and how she started in technology.

Tell us your story on how you got into technology.

I was inspired by tech at a young age watching my dad code on our first computer, so I joined the tech program in grade school and fell in love with technology. After high school, I began to work in the field via contracts and projects for large companies, and I exposed myself to all aspects of technology through both self-learning and networking.

Did you always know that working in technology was what you wanted to do?

Absolutely. Being in the tech program at school, I got to set up new computer labs and be the first one to test the new colorful see-through iMac G3 everyone loved. I also got called to teachers’ rooms to help them with computer problems, and it was something I genuinely enjoyed doing and made me look forward to a career in technology.

How long have you been with Dataprise?

4 months.

Can you share a little bit about what it is that you do and what a typical day for you is like?

I am a Systems Engineer, and my day to day varies to include troubleshooting issues with a client’s systems and networks, automating tasks for production environments, performing system upgrades, patching to avoid system vulnerabilities, and assessing resources to meet organizational needs. This requires communication, detail-oriented thinking, and an ability to see the “big picture.”

What advice would you give to women considering a career in the tech industry? What do you wish you had known?

Develop confidence. Don’t let imposter syndrome hold you back. Recognize your skills and accomplishments. Confidence grows with experience, so keep challenging yourself and celebrating your progress. Understanding that everyone’s path is unique can help in embracing your own journey without comparing yourself to others.

Why do you think it’s important for more women to join the tech industry? How can the broader community support women in tech?

It’s important for more women to join tech because a diverse team can produce more creative solutions and have a broader range of perspectives. The broader community can support women in tech by raising awareness to unconscious biases and foster a supportive and inclusive culture.

What do you think is the best part of being a woman in the tech industry?

The best part about being a woman in tech is that I am assisting with adjusting statistics of women in tech, and I get to be a role model for future female candidates!

What is it that you enjoy most about your current job at Dataprise?

What I enjoy the most about my current job at Dataprise is the culture and the rapport I have developed with my team and clients.

What is the best professional advice you’ve ever received?

Look for value in criticism and feedback.

Where do you see yourself going from here?

As a proud new Dataprise employee, I see myself in a great workplace home where I can continue to develop and learn new skills without barriers.

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