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Level Up Your IT Budget: Designing for Approvability and Impact

Level Up Your IT Budget Webinar 550x550 Post

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What if your IT budget could turn skeptics into supporters?

As one of the largest line items for many companies, IT is often seen as a cost center in need of constant trimming rather than a strategic advantage. This often leaves IT leaders to struggle with…

  • Demonstrating IT’s relationship to the business strategy,
  • Balancing technical requirements with financial realities,
  • Weighing the merits of innovation against the necessities of maintenance, and
  • Addressing current needs while also anticipating future trends.  

By designing your budget with approvability and impact in mind from the start, IT leaders can pave the way for more effective budgets and smoother approvals.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Proven strategies to craft IT budgets that executives love.
  • How to align your tech initiatives with business goals.
  • Tips for demonstrating clear ROI on IT investments and communicate the value of IT to non-technical stakeholders.
  • Ways to prioritize projects for maximum impact.
  • How to decide when to adopt industry or peer benchmarks and when to forge your own path based on your unique business needs. 

Don’t let your IT budget be just another expense with this opportunity to level up your IT budget game.

Panelists include industry experts:

  • Tara Bartels: Manager, Advisory Services, Dataprise

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