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The Response: What To Do When a Security Incident Happens

What to Do When a Security Incident Happens Webinar 550x550 Post

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Don’t Be Caught Unprepared. Learn How to Effectively Respond to Cyber Attacks

It’s every business’s worst nightmare: a crippling cyber attack compromising your systems and data. When the unthinkable happens, will you know how to respond swiftly and effectively?

In this session, our cybersecurity experts will walk you through a step-by-step incident response plan. You’ll learn:

  • First actions to take when you detect a breach.
  • How to execute a communications plan to minimize reputational damage.
  • Prioritizing incident response activities based on business impact.
  • Determining when to involve vendors, partners, and authorities.
  • Timelines for getting your critical systems back online.

Don’t risk extended downtime, data loss or compliance penalties from an inadequate response. Prepare your business now to withstand and quickly recover from cyber incidents.

Panelists include industry experts:

  • Nima Khamooshi: Vice President, Cybersecurity, Dataprise
  • Tara Bartels: Manager, Advisory Services, Dataprise
  • Cameron Buriani: Senior Solutions Architect, Crowdstrike

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